

  • Good afternoon.  My Name is Cynthia. I am 27 years old. I was born with a condition that made it impossible for me to have a menstrual cycle. I always ask myself “am I a woman?” The doctors said nothing can be done about it, and there was no chance of me having a menstrual cycle. My sister invited me to Church. She said come to Church and give your life to Jesus, and tell pastor Luke about the problem. I came to Church and I told pastor Luke. Pastor Luke asked me to join the monthly 3 days fasting and prayer. First week after the fasting and prayer, nothing happened. I started crying, but my sister told me not to cry but to keep on praying. Praise God last week I started having my period. I had my period for 5 days. We called the doctor to inform them, they said it can never happen, that there was no chance of me having my period. But thank God. God did it for me.

  • I had a very strange condition which only affected my fingers on both hands. All fingers used to get swollen and every single joint on fingers was painful with fever and other symptoms. This used to happen around when it was time for my periods. I suffered with this condition for 2 years. I had appointments with dermatologist and rheumatologist. They couldn’t diagnose anything and referred me to haematologist. All blood reports came back normal. I was so tired with this health issue as with time it was getting worse. Sometimes I even struggled to come out of bed. The colour of fingers changed to dark pigmented. Sometimes fingers got infected but infection never spread beyond fingers. It was like someone draw a line this far no further. This condition was causing so much emotional and mental stress.
    But thank God for our Pastor Luke. He prayed for me and I am completely delivered now. It is about two months now I haven’t suffered with any symptoms. I had my periods completely normal. No sign of any symptoms and my fingers restored back to normal skin colour. Hallelujah, Praise the Lord.

  • Pastor my blood test is back, kidneys are functioning ok , no kidney stones. I can’t hold back this testimony. Thank you pastor for love and care towards me. Since I met you, my life has been from glory to glory. Whenever you pray with me, am rest assured that its done. Thank you pastor, may God continue to use you mightily in Jesus mighty name.

  • Praise the Lord, Thank you Pastor for today’s teaching session. It helped me a lot. Actually, it opened my eyes. In the morning I was praying and asking God,” God what plan do you have for me? What is the purpose of my life? Am I a failure or my life is just a struggle only?” God didn’t just give me answer, He gave me solutions and His words. Oh glory to God. Inside I am feeling so happy and so motivated. I am sitting in the same place where I was sitting in the morning…. feeling hopeless and confused. Now sitting in the same place with motivation and vision. Thank you so much brother for your wonderful teaching, support and prayers. I am praying for you, family and church.

  • Thank you for today’s prayer meeting. I am feeling something has lifted from my heart. Can’t explain to you properly how I am feeling. It feels like great joy, confidence, peace, calmness within myself. Thank you so much.

  • Thank you so much for today’s preaching. I feel peace in my heart. Thank you for teaching me how to receive answers for my prayers. Thank you for your prayers.

  • Glory be to God, for many years I have been waiting to receive the Holy Ghost (speaking in tongues) today as the prayer was going on, I was baptized in the Holy Ghost. Praise God.

  • My itching and burning feet were healed after you prayed for me. Praise God.

  • The ringing in my ears that you mentioned by the word of knowledge was healed after your healing ministrations.

  • Pastor I have had a sharp pain in my upper back for a number of weeks now. Anytime I sat or slept at an angle the pain would take hold, it is now gone completely. I have bent and touched my toes, twisted my waist but there is no pain. I am healed, praise the Lord, thank you Jesus and thank you for the healing prayer.

  • During prayers for miracles, pastor asked everyone who’s got a breathing issue to lay their hands on themselves, or if they have a child that has asthma or issues with their breathing, they should lay hands on the child. I laid hands on my son, and the pastor prayed. Praise God my son is healed of asthma.

  • Before I came into church, the pastor mentioned my problem. When I came in and sat close to my husband, my husband said to me “God have answered your prayers, pastor just mentioned your problem” During the birth of my daughter, I pushed out my anus, it refused to go back in but rather grew worse for 5 years. With the condition came chronic pains. I used local remedies to no avail. But after pastor mentioned the problem and prayed for me, God healed me. Praise God!

  • I pulled my shoulder so I had a lot of pains. My husband and I planned to go to A and E on Sunday morning, but I decided to come to church first, planning to go to A and E after church, but pastor prayed for healing and God healed me. I got back home and told my husband we don’t need to go to A and E anymore because God healed me in church. Praise God!

  • I came into church with pains in my ears. Pastor asked everyone to put their hands where they are feeling pains. I put my hands in my ears. When pastor prayed I felt heat in my ears. I doubted my healing, but to the glory of God the next morning when I work up, the pains were all gone. Praise God!

  • I have been having difficulty in breathing but immediately after the last prayer point on healing yesterday, I got my healing. I can now breath down with my mouth closed. This is something I could not do before. Glory be to God.

  • Yesterday when pastor Luke said we should pray that anything that God has not put into our body, we should pray it out and I did. I just had a dream that something like a black slug or worm came out of me.

  • Pastor my burning feet have gone after you prayed it’s been bothering me for over two weeks now.

  • Praise the Lord sir. I got healing of my left elbow according to the word of knowledge today.

  • Hello people of God I just want to glorify God for healing the pain in my left hand. May the Lord be praised.

  • The pastor mentioned that someone was having pains in her breast, the pains are now gone. When pastor mentioned that an angel was pulling things out of someone’s breast, immediately, I saw an angel pulling out some things out of my breast during prayers last night. The breast pain is now completely gone. Praise God.

  • During last night’s healing prayers, pastor Luke prayed and asked us to place our hands on any part of our body that we have problems in. I prayed for the right side of my body that is constantly in severe pain for some time now. Prayers have been said before and a revelation of paralysis was mentioned. But immediately I laid my hand on my head during the prayer last night all pain left. I waited to see if I will experience the pain again but all pain is gone. Hallelujah am completely healed.

  • I have been having itchy skin after bathing for some time now. It was so grievous that it gave me serious concerns and made me worry anytime it’s time for showers. It was as if something begins to crawl and move all over my body and my face after bathing. After the prayers last night and today, I went to bath and to the glory of God, no more itching and no more moving objects on my body and face. Praise the Lord.

  • I thank God for tonight, my case was first mentioned because I have been having ear ache and headache in the left side, since last week, which is very serious, but as pastor mentioned it and prayed it vanished. I thank God for the divine healing.

  •  Praise the Lord.  The last time I was here pastor prayed for all of us and he prayed about healing. He asked us all to touch wherever it was that hurts and he prayed over it basically and right at that moment, I got healed instantly.  I’ve been having problem with my knee for quite a while, and I had to go to the doctors, and I got insoles prescribed to me and I have been wearing them for a couple of weeks and it was like a treatment process, as that was supposed to make it get better. However, because I do much training and stuff at my college, I was finding it really difficult to like know when to wear them and when not to because whenever you would run with them, it would reverse the process that had already happened, but I can’t go very long without running because I just needed to for my fitness, so I was wondering what I was going to do, I had like my school fitness assessment in a couple of days, I think it was on the Monday and pastor prayed for us on the Sunday, I was already not knowing what I was going to do like getting the doctor to write a letter saying I was going to be unable to take part and then pastor prayed and instantly I was healed, Of course I was going to give my testimony at the time, but in my head I was like oh what if it reverses before I got to school the next day. What if whilst I’m running the pain comes back. I just want to thank God, because the next day I went to school, I did my run bearing in mind this is after Easter so I was like at one of my lowest fitness abilities because I’ve been home for about four weeks and I did the run, I got the best time ever, had no pain whatsoever in my knee. I just want to give God the glory.

  • Thank you so much for this event. Thank you for your help. Yesterday I felt emotional healing and I literally felt that I pulled out all arrows and swords of emotional pain out of my soul and spirit. Thank you for today’s prayer and teaching. I had a soul tie with someone and that caused me much more pain in my life more than anything else. Since last November, Satan was using that soul tie to give me emotional pain. And it affected my physical health too at some point. Glory to God, today I felt that soul tie has broken. Heavy weight has been lifted from my heart. When you said, ” let those tears come out, don’t hold it back.” That was me trying to hold those tears back, but letting them go helped. I am feeling peace. It feels like heavy burden left me.